An accident will occur, occurs, has occured; but just as
it happens at the same time that it will take place, already
took place and is just about to have taken place it will
not have taken place, so that it, before it takes place,
did not take place, and as soon as it takes place, it never
will have taken place.
Ein Unfall wird sich ereignen, ereignet sich, hat sich ereignet:
doch ebensogut geschieht es zur gleichen Zeit, daß er
stattfinden wird, bereits stattgefunden hat und gerade dabei
ist, stattgefunden zu haben, so daß er, ehe er stattfindet,
nicht stattgefunden hat, und sobald er stattfindet, nicht
stattgefunden haben wird.
& reviews
• review, Film&TV Kameramann,
Fachzeitschrift; yet unpublished
• review, Rubrik Kurzfilm, in: DER SCHNITT; Ausgabe 36 Köln,
Oktober 2004
• Online report about the shootings for rallye
• Online report about the shootings for rallye
• film cut accidents or the virtual of time;
Interview between Romeo Grünfelder and Hans Joachim Lenger about
the relation of
time and movement in the conception of rallye.
pdf version GERMAN(116kB, .pdf, 7Seiten, DIN-A 4)
pdf version ENGLISH (116kB, .pdf, 7 pages)
audio version (1.9MB, QDesign-Comp, 22kHz, 8bit, 20Min - german)
• Festival of German Films, Rom 4.2006
• INTERVAL (2) - conference based on Deleuze’s film philosophy
and its terms: the time-image and the irrational interval. London 2.2006
• Festival of German Films, Moskau 9.-13.12.2005
• INTERVAL (1) - conference based on Deleuze’s film philosophy
and its terms: the time-image and the irrational interval. At Hallwalls
contemporary arts centre Buffalo and the Dept. of media study, University
at Buffalo, US 11.2005 http://www.hallwalls.org/media-arts-pages/media-arts-interval1.html
• Festival of German Films, London 25.11.-1.12.2005
• Pingyao International Photography Festival, Korea 2005
• Deutsche Filmwoche Kopenhagen 11.2005
• Izmir Short Film Festival, Turkey 18.-27.11.2005
• Kino! 2005, MoMA New York, 2.-10.11.2005
• Kunstfilmbiennale Köln, 21.10.2005 15:00h Museum Ludwig
• MAX! Festival Hong Kong 21.-30.10.2005
• Deutsche Filmtage Krakau, Poland 10.2005
• Festival of German Films, Paris 12.-18.10.2005
• Deutsche Filmwoche Stockholm 10.2005
• Warschau Film Festival, (German Panorama), 17.-16.10.2005
• Edith-Ruß-Haus, VideoVisionen Oktober 05, Oldenburg
• Festival of German Films, Mexiko 29.9.-8.10.2005
• Media Art Festival Friesland, 16.9.-2.10.2005 Harlingen, Netherlands
• NEXT REEL International Film Festival, New York, 25.9.-1.10.2005
• Festival of German Films, Buenos Aires 1.-7.9.2005
• Festival of German Films, Madrid 7.-11.06.2005
• 58.Filmfestival Cannes, France, 11.-15.5.2005, German Cinema -
Next Generation
• Kimera Cineclub Termoli, Italy, 08.03.2005
• 18. Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Filmhaus, 14.01.2005
• Lichtspiele - German short film festival , Adelaide, Australia,
• cineson.com, German Shorts in Paris - November 2004
• 2nd Asiana International Short Film Festival (AISFF2004) in South
Korea; 28.-31.10.2004. Further informations see: http://www.aisff.org/
• Cardiff Screen Festival, Wales/England 04 - 10-20.11.2004;
programme see http://www.cardiffscreenfestival.co.uk/
• Screening at 28. Filmfest Weiterstadt; Friday, 13.08.2004 - 24:45
Uhr - open air
• First Screening (Premiere) at the 20th International Shortfilmfestival
Hamburg, Program "Made in Hamburg"; Screening schedule: Wednesday,
9.June 04 at 17:30 h (Zeise Kinos 1), Friday, 11.June 04 at 18:00 h (Zeise
Kinos 1, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung), Monday, 14.June 04 at 20:00 h (B-Movie
picture screenings
• Scheduled screenings
at Elbe Cinema Hamburg 4.11. - 10.11. and Koralle Cinema Hamburg 11.11.-17.11.For
updates and further informations, where the movie is shown before the
main-program, please contact verleih@shortfilm.com
• SPEX DVD special edition ABO-DVD
# 01 (07/2004)
• DVD Made in Hamburg, Kurzfilmrolle Hrg. KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg
e.V. 2005
mit "Rad", Jörn Staeger, Deutschland 2001; "Marsmädchen",
Jim Lacy/Daniel Haude, Deutschland 1999; "Yo Lo Vi", Hanna Nordholt/Fritz
Steingrobe, Deutschland 2003; "Fremder Pelz", Franz Wintzentsen,
Deutschland 2000;"Große Gefühle", Sandra Schießl,
Deutschland 1999 u.a.
For further information about Festival Screenings and related events
revisit this page or get in contact with info@felderfilm.de