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› the ghost who refuses to play dead
| 720x576 300dpi 1,2 MB RGB .tif

Three flowering roses of the rose family rosa rugosa (common dog rose)
in accordance with Henker & Schulze (1993), whereby the highest rose
bloom has already lost some petals. Pricks are not recognizable. Due to
missing fruit formation the picture can come both from the early and the
latesummer bloom season.
720x576 300dpi 1,2 MB RGB .tif
filmstill 2
On this picture the kind of rose is not determinable due to the blurring
of the picture. In the background probably simple flint has to be seen,
how it is to be found at many coast beaches. The kind of stone could be
layer granite which can be found in steep coastal regions.
720x576 300dpi 1,2 MB RGB .tif
filmstill 3
A sand beach rising up to the cliffs in the background. On the beach itself
there's most likely washed ashore algae and sea-grass to be seen. The
beach seems to be neither frequently visited nor maintained. In the front
part left there is a leaves plant to be seen (probably lime tree kind).
Cloudy sky.
720x576 300dpi 1,2 MB RGB .tif
filmstill 4
The head of the nude woman briefly before her disappearing under the water
720x576 300dpi 1,2 MB RGB .tif